Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Bonus Post! What is: The Descedant of Ra

Hi people!

This post will be a bit more about my process writing 'The Descendant of Ra' - and also its content.

Do you remember those 72k words I said I had between the third and fourth draft? Turns out the fourth draft, which is now done, has 27k words in total (Also turns out it took me three - or was it four? - years to muster the courage to ruthlessly cut.). The fifth draft, which I think will be the last draft before the final polish, will likely have around 50-60k words.

I'm extremely hyped about the project and I want to take this opportunity to tell you a bit more about The Descendant of Ra. I've done a bit of this on twitter (#TDR) already, but this will be a bit more plot-focused/detailed than the sporadic info you can pack into 140 characters.

In short: you (or your kids! Especially your kids!) will like this book if you/they like:
*ancient Egypt
*and strong female as well as male characters

Here's the blurb as it stands (not the final version).

15-year old Zimon Walker is about to become the world's most celebrated archaeologist by discovering a secret ancient Egyptian tomb, but when he enters the tomb's heart, he finds himself in ancient Egypt instead. There, nothing is as it should be. The Pharaoh has been killed, and his sole heir, the princess Nefertari, struggles to survive against the pretender Zeti's magic. Her plan is to find the god Ra, the only one who can defeat Zeit, and Zimon can't go home unless the father of all gods is found. Zimon and his allies are forced to seek help, but not all who offer it are friendly, and the darkness is closing in on them.

I hope this gives a bit of an overview and you're as hyped as me about it! Please ask questions in the comments if you have any! :)

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