Monday, December 24, 2018

About healthy eating

Hey folks.

A lot of people (like me) struggle with healthy eating (as opposed to just munching any snacks that comes my way). Today's post shall be a list of the healthy foods I substitute these days for unhealthy snacks.

I'll keep it short. These are just my little tricks to eat fewer calories/healthier in general. It might be you find something useful in there for yourself!

candy/popcorn/chips while watching movies/playing video games -> carrot/cucumber sticks+hummus -> currently trying without hummus to save even more calories (and it's yummy! You get used to eating cow food, I promise, and after a while, you even start to crave it rather than the junk you ate before!) In fact, I'm on my way to the cinema in a few minutes, and I'll be taking a box of carrot/cucumber sticks with me instead of the package of popcorn leftover in my snack drawer!

sweets/candy -> apples! (I seriously dislike eating fruit because it's so sticky! You can't easily eat it without having juice all over you, and it's often 'difficult' - I'm lazy, don't judge me - to prepare. Kiwi is impossible to eat on the go unless you go through the lengthy process of skinning it, pears taste meh, apples make my mouth itchy, pineapple comes in cans and is equally as stupid to carry with you as kiwi, grapes... ok, grapes are all right, but I can't eat grapes all day). However, even though apples cause slight allergic reactions, since I've been eating them more (they are cheap, quite easy to prepare into slices, and easy to take with/eat with your hands without getting drops everywhere), the allergies have lessened/I have found species I can eat without a problem, and it works (somewhat)! I like apples. They also help with food circulation in your body!

sweets/candy -> fruit juices WITHOUT sugar! I personally love pineapple juice and pear juice, and I'm sure you can find something you like yourself!

fruit juices -> water! To be honest, I never much was into juices or softdrinks, and always preferred unsweetened tea, but these days I drink a lot more water than anything else, even the 'healthy' fruit juices.

softdrinks -> water. This is kind of a given for me. Soft drinks are sort of a treat I drink once a year, and then only coca cola, because it's tasty! But I find that, having grown up without juice/softdrinks available (my mum is a health fanatic), I don't really need it at all.

PROTIP ON WATER: If it's difficult for you to drink water rather than softdrinks, put the softdrinks away (into your fridge/storage) or don't buy them. Instead, fill a 1L bottle left over from one of those softdrinks with water, and put it on your desk. Make it a HABIT to re-fill that bottle every time you see it's contents are going below 50%. That way, the bottle will be full/nearly full all the time, and readily available at your desk (also put another bottle at other 'sites' in the house you regularly use). That's the only secret there is to drinking more water: to make it readily available everywhere so you can't be 'too lazy' to get it.

sides (rice, noodles, pasta, potato) -> no sides! It a) helps you eat less calories all in all and b) allows you to eat more of the tasty stuff (like meat!)

Your turn! Try to come up with more of these substitutes, or even dispute mine with better ones, and respond to this post with your ideas (come on, do it, don't be lazy!).

Good luck! WriteBot. (Oh, and Merry Christmas, to those who celebrate it!)


  1. How about cereal bars instead of cookies?

    1. Hi Water!

      That's a good idea, although with the list I was trying specifically to suggest foods without sugar/honey, which is an ingredient in most cereal bars.

      Also, cookies are delicious.
