Monday, January 7, 2019

2019: future WIP needs Beta-Readers!

Hey everyone!

I'd love to introduce you to another one of my projects: working title Mimicry. Mimicry one is a bit more YA than most of what I've written but I'm trying to make it less so (nothing against YA - it's just not my genre beyond reading entertainment). It is (of course) science fiction and deals with an alien invasion of Earth. It's also a bit of an older project I'm trying to clean up at the moment (when not working on... others)!

Here's a blurb!

17-year old Dalta Rim, a sentinel of the last human outpost, the city of America, lives to put bullets through the heads of Others – the extraterrestrials that invaded Earth thirteen years ago – but when she finds a strange transmitter on one of her missions in the Sonoran desert, she realizes the aliens are neither the only nor the worst threat to humanity's continued existence.

The Council, the post-Invasion government, is hiding something about the Others that might be crucial to the survival of America and her citizens, and they're prepared to go to any length to keep it secret. Her life and that of her adopted brother, Jack, threatened, Dalta joins the conspiracy of medic Owen Early and soldier Logan Pendray to uncover the secret and find out what makes it so horrible it cannot be allowed to unravel.

Their investigation leads them to the religious cult that worships the Others as messengers of God and believes they're the harbingers of Judgement Day, and pitches them into a tangle of clues left by Owen's late parents, the genetic scientists, Logan's father, one of the four Generals of the military, and Dalta's own dead mother, who provides a single hint written on the back of her pilot license. In the meantime, the Others seem to be preparing for a last, devastating attack on America, designed to end all of humanity, and the Council is hard on Dalta and her friends' trail.

When Dalta finally matches up the pieces of the puzzle and learns the world as she knows it is a lie, she must choose between forgetting the secret and keeping her life and loyalties safe, or exposing the secret and forfeiting her life and beliefs in to save the humans and humaneness of her nation alike.

The first chapter can be found here: (google docs link as always)

Do you think this is something you'd like to beta? Please let me know! I'd love some input. You can also just edit directly on the google docs document itself and leave a quick note requesting access to the full document if you want to continue! (This note has to include your e-mail as otherwise I won't be able to add you. Don't worry though! I'll never spam you with anything or give away your e-mail to third parties.)


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