Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Do you like magic?

Hey everyone!

I'm currently in the midst of HARD EDITS. They're really hard. I've been fiddling around with this particular project so long it's... not that fun any more to say the least.

But you know what is fun?


It's actually great fun... and even better when you can visit the unique magic of many different worlds. This can be done in one of my anthologies - Worlds of Magic.

This short story contains the following stories:

Seafarer (How did the princess fall in love with the pirate queen?)

Lucy and the Magician (A lonely young girl's acquaintance with a magician leads to many gifts of friendship)

Catching Fireflies (A young kelpie has to convince his prey to join him in the depths of the lake. At the bottom, the prey's dangerous task will be revealed)

The Hungry Worlds (A thief steals a sword, but in exchange, she tries to save the village she stole it from from a danger that encompasses more than one world)

Into the Still Places (Two races who've been at war for aeons. A rogue soldier. Two princes intent on saving their worlds. They will have to work together to save their citizens)

The Path of Lost Souls (In a world far from our own, one becomes an adult by completing the Path of Lost Souls. It's one young man's turn to prove himself, even though his half-brother will sabotage his journey)

More than half of Worlds of Magic's stories happen off-world (in worlds that aren't our own). Lucy and the Magician and Catching Fireflies alone are set in the real world although it has been enhanced with... strange kinds of magic.

Half of Worlds of Magic's stories can also be read to children! Worlds of Magic provides three amazing bedtime stories and six exciting stories of adventure and strange worlds for the day.

Are you excited yet? Do you want to be taken to six magical worlds? If you have a subscription to Kindle Unlimited you can now read Worlds of Magic for free. If not... $2.99 will buy me a whole box of tea for the next two weeks! :)

And if you leave a review once you're done reading it? Well that'll just make my whole month!



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