Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Future Trajectory of this Blog

The Future of this Blog

I'm sorry to have been absent. I had to re-think the approach of this blog (and I'm not sure I'm done with it!). I've however come to and come to the conclusion that the blog as it was didn't work.  There was nothing of real interest in the there (except the book reviews, which a lot of you liked!), so it has to change track. The new blog will focus a lot more on two specific things: 1.) MY thoughts on writing and 2.) Reviews/Analyses of books

The changes in style mentioned above will be tagged in each post. There will be three primary tags used:

FAQ: This is the 'my thoughts on writing' part. I'll be taking questions writers frequently ask and answer them with my opinion.

: non-fiction and fiction reviews of books I liked and think might be worth your while as well

Update/Current WIP/WIP: This is where everything related to my own stories goes.

This in turn means that there are really only three things this blog will focus on:

1. Writing-related craft questions
2. Book reviews
3. Updates on new stories I plan to publish

I expect the writing craft questions to be published once a week and the book reviews whenever it's relevant. I don't always read good books (unfortunately some turn out to suck after I'm 70% in - Hello Into the Drowning Deep!) and won't waste your time reviewing something useless.

The updates on my own stories as well are not really quantifiable at this point. I have a vague schedule with vague deadlines and that's the system that works best for me - but it also means it's hard to tell when something new will be out UNLESS I'm working on an edit right then and there. (For example: Once I start editing The Torn Planet I can be certain it'll be done in about two weeks. This also means the publishing schedule - taking account as well the time it will take my cover artists to create a cover - will be about fixed.)

As another effect of this re-structuring of the blog I'll also be cutting out a lot of the filler and make this a Busy Bee's Writing Blog (because who the heck has time to read through 2k words of blabla before the blogger gets to the point?). This means I'll stop wasting words just to make the blog post long enough to 'count' (in whatever arbitrary fashion). Instead the posts will be concise and details can always be added later should any of them come up - just like editing any book!

Today we'll start with a post on How you can know if you're good at the writing process. It should be up by day's end so check back here soon or follow me on Twitter (@jasmingelinck) or subscribe to my e-mail list (on the right-side sidebar) to receive direct and immediate updates!


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