Wednesday, January 9, 2019

H1 2019: An overview of WIPs

Hey folks!

This year is busy! I've made a plan on my publishing schedule for the first half (H1) which I'd like to share with you (both for accountability and to keep you in the loop! Heh.)

There won't be any new stories published until March as far as the schedule is planned out.

In March we will have one novella (at least). A few of you will have heard of this before (especially if you follow me on Twitter or regularly check my blog)

The Torn Planet is set to be published on the 2nd of March 2019.

I am also working on a story called Heart of Askelion which is brand new and deals with the premise of lovers separated by time BUT not in a cheesy way. These two guys are true soldiers (knights actually) born into two different worlds (times) who only get to know each other when one of them (called Lorne Lionheart at this point) is sent to the other's (Captain Ash's) time to retrieve a catalyst that started a rupture in time which has now gone out of hand and is causing them to be overrun by an age-old race of warriors.

The tentative publishing date of this will probably be around May. But that's not certain yet. It depends largely on how my bigger project (Hourglass) is going by then.

The fourth project is another WIP currently in the editing stage. The working title is Mimicry and you can find more information on it by clicking on this LINK. There are also details about beta-reading opportunities in this post if you're so inclined!

This is of course only what's planned for the first half of the year. The second half is still a bit shadowy in my mind but once it sorts itself out there will be an update!

I hope this was informative and you're excited to hear more about all the projects soon!



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